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Flying Fox, Whirlybirds, Kelly Car Wash, Tiny Tears, Giant Wheel, Baby Toodles, Remco Twister, Drive in Movie Theatre, Fighting Lady, Tiny Teas, Coney Island Machine, Philip Morris, Kodak - Ozzie Nelson color slides 35mm camera, QT Quick Tan, Frisbee, Hula Hoops, General Mills, New Cereal Corn Flakes, Jets, Secure Deodorant, Helene Curtis Spray, Creepy Crawlers, 57 Chevrolet, Bob Hope - Chevy Show, Jello, Shasta, Certs breath test, Chef Boy Ar Dee Pizza, Jingle Thumbelina, Flatsys, Brylcreem, Frito Bandito, Thick and Frosty, Lucy and Desi for Philip Morris, 20 Mule Teem Borax, Heinz Ketchup race, Borax - Borateen, Final Touch, Lifebuoy, Rolaids, Armour, Cheerios, Trix, Lucky Charms, Color Forms, Great Garloo, Robot Commando, Julius LaRosa show, Lucky Strike.

Classic TV Commercials of the 50s & 60s - Vol. 29

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