"EPISODES: The Bat and the Bottle-Colonel Bleep’s Arrival to Earth-Danager Below-Dangerous Holiday-The Evil Eye-The Fire Bomb-Fire Water-The Hypnotic Helmets-The Ingenious-The Invisible Gorilla-The KillerWhale-Knight of Death-The Lunar Luger-Manhut on the Moon-The Pirate Plot-The Prehistoric Present-Scratch & His Featered Friends-Shadow of Suspicion-Squeak and the Terrible Termite-The Test of Friendship, The Treacherous Tri0-Tunnel in Space-War in Robotland- The Wicked Web Colonel Bleep was the first color cartoon ever made for television. It was created by Robert D. Buchanan, and was filmed by Soundac of Miami. The show was originally syndicated in 1957 as a segment on Uncle Bill's TV Club. 104 five-minute episodes were produced. Of these episodes, slightly fewer than half are known to survive today. The show took place on the fictitious Zero Zero Island, where the Equator meets the Greenwich Meridian. There, Colonel Bleep, an extraterrestrial lifeform from the planet Futura +more
Colonel Bleep - Volume One